Utah Department of Health & Human Services

Preparedness Online Systems

The Preparedness Systems Program implements and supports state-wide systems that improve communication and information sharing for public health and healthcare providers throughout the State of Utah. If you have questions regarding any of the following systems please refer to the contact information below.

Kate Davis

For System Emergencies Call 1-866-364-8824


The Utah Notification and Information System (UNIS) is Utah’s statewide Health Alert Network, which has expanded to included many emergency management, homeland security, and other response partners.  UNIS allows for rapid communications with registered users and groups through multiple methods, including phone, text messaging, email, and fax.


Utah Responds is Utah’s Emergency Systems for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP).  The ESAR-VHP Program is a standardized, national network of state-based volunteer registry systems.  The goal of the program is to verify healthcare professionals’ credentials in advance and centralize volunteer information to facilitate deployment.


The Utah Healthcare Resource Management System (UHRMS) is an on-line system that is utilized to collect data from each of the Utah hospitals.  UHRMS meets the requirements of the national HAvBED System.  Resources are categorized according to FEMA guidelines.  Hospitals currently report once a month and can report hourly if needed.  Requests for assistance and divert status can also be submitted through this system.


U-TRAIN is Utah’s premier learning resource for professionals who protect the public’s health. U-TRAIN is the Utah affiliate site of the TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network (TRAIN) and is a free service of the Public Health Foundation, in partnership with the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.
Through U-TRAIN, you can:

  • Quickly find and register for many courses listed on Train.org and participating TRAIN affiliate sites.
  • Track your learning with personal online transcripts.
  • Access valuable materials, course reviews, and discussions to improve your learning experience.
  • Stay informed of the latest public health trainings for your area or expertise.


WebEOC is the emergency management solution used in Utah that helps with response and management of any incident or crisis. Various counties within Utah use WebEOC for response management. The system allows for increased awareness of emergency response efforts and situational awareness. WebEOC is managed by the Utah Division of Emergency Management.